Google Releases a β€˜Year in Search’ Overview

Recently Google launched its 2022 β€˜Year in Search’ overview, which provides insight into the key interests and trends throughout the year based on Google Search activity.

According to Google:

β€œWordle was the top trending search globally, as guessing five-letter words every day became a way of life. We also saw pop culture continue to leave its mark as we searched for β€œhow to become a fighter pilot” thanks to β€œTop Gun: Maverick,” and how to learn new languages, specifically Minion, High Valyrian and Klingon. Most of us also couldn’t seem to get songs from hit TV shows out of our head, with Ali Sethi’s β€œPasoori” becoming the top global Hum to Search song.”

View Google’s Year in Search page to research the year’s top search terms by category:

The data shows things like Wordle was the most searched term, breaks down the top β€˜People’ searches, most popular recipes, and provides insight on the top movies and musicians of the year. Using this information could help inform your marketing strategy for 2023. You can also filter the listings by region and you can look into more specific trends for US states via Google’s new Local Hub element:

This is important information for advertisers or anyone looking to improve marketing for their business. Use this information paired with insights from Google Trends when looking to increase the visibility or engagement of your business. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What are the key topics of interest in your niche?


  • What are the key trends that people are using to find your website?

You can check out Google’s β€˜Year in Search’ page here.

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